Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I wanna go Dizzy-Wand!

I don't know how Sadie figured out that Mickey Mouse lived at Disneyland and we lived close enough to be able to go to Disneyland, but every time she sees the commercial for Christmastime at Disneyland, she says she wants to go to "Dizzy-Wand". I usually tell her, "yes, baby, we'll go to Disneyland sometime soon, but not today". This usually satisfies her and she goes on to talk about how Mickey Mouse lives at Disneyland and then gets distracted by something else. Well, last night - my answer wasn't good enough and she WOULD NOT STOP saying "I wanna go Dizzy-Wand". I got tired of it and asked Brian if he would do something to get her to stop. His solution was what you find in the video. Nice. I picked up the video camera after about 2 minutes of this going on and it lasted another minute and a half. Not my idea of how to get her to stop saying it, but it worked... She was done after this.

And, yes, we will be taking Mersadie to Disneyland sometime soon. Just not today. Enjoy!


  1. Well, rats! I wanna go to Dizzy-wand now!
    Poor Sadie. I have a feeling you guys aren't going to be popular with the grandparents when they see how you tortured their poor granddaughter. What does it say about me that I thought it was mean, but watched it three times?

  2. Man... that had me wanting to go to Dizzy-Wand too. She is growing up so fast. Do you have any new pictures of Braden? How has he been doing?

  3. I'm with her and the others...I wanna go to Dizzy-wand too! Be sure to take video of when she goes, I bet her face will be priceless!
    She is so cute, even when she is upset :)

  4. take that baby girl to Disneyland RIGHT now!!! Poor little girl had real tears. She really needs you to take her. :)

  5. God Bless You and Your Family

  6. awww kinda mean but she's just so cute! I'll take you to Dizzy-Wand Sadie!! Pack your backpack, I'm coming! :)

  7. I wanna go to Dizzy Wand with you!!! This is the cutest!!
