Friday, November 12, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

Today we took Sadie (and Braden) to Chuck E. Cheese. It was another one of Sadie's rewards for smiley faces. Truth is...we would do these things with our kiddos anyway, but it just makes it better to have Mersadie have a reward for good behavior. And yes, there have been a few weeks where we didn't get to do our fun thing because there weren't enough happy faces. Thankfully, only a few. If all goes well this coming week, we get to go to Disneyland again. Yes, WE - that's me being just as excited as Sadie to go. They will have all their Christmas decorations up, so I'm rooting for Sadie big time this week! In the meantime, enjoy these pictures from Chuck E. Cheese today! *Warning...there are A LOT* but you'll want to scroll all the way to the end, because those are special!

One of Sadie's rewards was that she got to get a "coke" - which actually was Sprite. I have NEVER let her have her very own coke to drink. This was a special day. :)

Very first thing she wanted to ride was the horse.

Then, she wanted Daddy to play the next game. He did so happily.

I love B's wonder and amazement in this picture. He looks a little scared, but he was really mesmerized!

First "ride" by himself. Loving it!

There was this car ride with the guy from Curious George. The next few pictures are funny. Sadie was being so silly with that guy!

I think she's in love. Haha!


Sadie's first go at air hockey! She didn't really get the concept of NOT letting the puck into her goal. She got so excited no matter if she got a point or if Brian got a point! I love this oblivious age!

More air hockey action!

Sadie was having so much fun!

Braden was watching from the other side.

Here's Braden looking in on the air hockey game. Can't you just see the words in his head: "can't wait until I'm big enough to play with Daddy!"

And now for the most precious shots of the pun intended. Here is Brian helping Sadie with the basketball game. He's a natural at teaching his favorite sport ever!!

Sadie picked it up really quickly!

She even has good form already...look at the follow through!

Awwww!!! This one I will treasure forever! Like father, like daughter! I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who has turned in to such an amazing father right before my eyes these past 3 1/2 years.


  1. You're so right, that last photo is adorable! Definitely one to keep around and look back on forever. Love it! I like your sticker system, great idea. I'm praying for Sadie to do well; I want you to go to Disneyland! Selfishly, I want to live vicariously and see photos of all the Christmas decorations, and you and your family enjoying them. I'm sure she'll be great, can't wait to see the Disneyland photo post! :)

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