Saturday, November 7, 2009

Braden's Update

Before I get to Braden (because blogger put my pictures in reverse order) - here is our little Sadie. She has been such a trooper through this entire process. She has not fussed one time in the million times that Brian and I have had to leave her. It's amazing. She's pretty independent anyway, but I figured us leaving all the time would eventually get to her - but she is just great staying with Mimi or Brian when my mom and I go to the hospital. Anyway, here is how I found Mersadie the other morning. She had her hat, my shoes, her suitcase and her money and she told me she was going on a trip - on an airplane. I don't know where she was headed, but it looks like she was ready for fun!

And for Mr. Braden ~ he is doing SO much better! He is now completely bottle feeding - the nurse took his feeding tube out of his nose while I was there this morning! He is back under the photo therapy light for jaundice, but his levels were down this morning, so they are just keeping him under it today just for extra precaution. The only reason Braden hasn't been moved to a regular open air crib is because of the jaundice. He is doing well breathing with only short periods of faster breathing. The doctor said today that he has really come a long way and we should be looking forward to having him home soon! We CANNOT wait! Bring on the sleepless nights - we just want our healthy boy at home!

This picture was taken yesterday morning - that is why he still has the tube in.

My mom finally got to hold Braden! Here he is with his Mimi!

And I couldn't resist posting this picture because I just know he is smiling because he's in his mommy's arms! Thanks for your continued prayers!


  1. Exciting news, my friend! sniff, he is super cute and I am so glad that he has conqered eating!! I'm so glad your mom has been able to hang out there so long and help take care of Sadie and finally get to hold her sweet little grandson! The Lord has definitly placed his healing hands on your precious Braden...I cannot wait to see pictures of you holding him at home...and pictures of Sadie meeting her little brother for the first time. I pray that that will come quickly!! Love you, Shan
    BTW, Sadie is totally adorable as usual and using her creative juices to keep herself occupied while you are in and out. Please smooch her sweet face for me!!!
    WONDERING, did Mimi get Sadie potty trained? :)

  2. This picture is beautiful. There is so much joy captured in it. He looks completely content and happy and so do you. Thanks for sharing the picture.

  3. Braden is sooo precious. All the pictures are great. I can't wait until I get to see and hold and love him myself. Praise God for all that he has done and will continue to do.

    Little Sadie is too cute. She is packed and ready to go.

    Mimi and Braden look very content and happy.
    Will see you soon. Give Sadie and Braden a big hug and kiss from papa. Love and miss ya'll. Love, dad and papa

  4. I just got the chills reading this! I am SO happy to hear about Braden's progress!!! Praying hard that he gets to come home this week!!!! Sadie is just as cute as ever! I LOVE her little personality!!! She is such a little blessing! Please tell Brian hello from the Fish clan! We miss you guys!!!
