Monday, November 2, 2009

More Updates on Braden

First photo of Brian and I together with Braden. We can't wait until Mersadie can be in the picture too! Because of the H1N1 virus, children under 14 are not allowed in the hospital for visitation whatsoever. Don't you love our fashionable blue gowns? We have to wear them EVERY time because of the virus as well. Lovely. you can see, Braden only has one little tube going into his mouth for feeding. He is off of the respirator, has the chest tube out and the tube that was going to his belly button. He was also taken off of photo therapy (for jaundice).
Since all of this was done, we FINALLY got to really really hold him. I sat and held Braden for an entire hour and a half today and it was SO good for my soul.
What the doctors are concentrating on now is getting Braden's digestive system to work. They were feeding him small amounts through the tube, but they were getting a lot of residual left in the tube which indicated that Braden was not digesting it well, so they stopped the feeds for today and will try to start again in the morning. After his digestive system starts working (he needs to have some bowel movements), we will start trying to get him to learn to suck. In the meantime, I am just thrilled that Braden is doing better and I can hold my precious little guy.

Mid-yawn. So cute.

Brian and his boy. Awww.

Mommy and Braden. Just love that little guy to pieces!

Now you see why I just sat and held him for an hour and a half!

And, of course, SADIE!!

My sister and mom have been helping us with Mersadie and it has been a life-saver! Here is Mersadie having Cocoa Puffs for dinner while she is still in her p.j.'s from this morning. (It was my sister's turn to take care of her). Don't you just love the look on Sadie's face? She knows she's getting her way and getting VERY spoiled. I'm afraid I'm going to have a lot to fix once Mom and Marisa leave, but I'm incredibly thankful for the love and support!


  1. How exciting for you guys to get to finally hold your little guy...and he is a cutie...I love the little yawn! :) I can't wait till our little guys can sit and play together...yeah, God, for such quick progression. We'll be praying for his tiny tummy and system, that he'll be eating and sucking soon! Love and miss you guys! And, poor Sadie will be back to reality before she knows it! Glad she's getting some extra grandma and auntie time...

  2. I'm so happy to hear Braden is progressing so well!! He is so handsome!! I'm continuing to pray for you all!! You all are such a beautiful family...inside and out!

  3. Shannon,

    I understand what you mean when you say you have alot to fix when you get back home with Sadie. The same thing happens to us when my boys spend alot of time with my mom. But I'm thankful that my kids have grandparents.
    By the way, Shannon, you look very good!!! It doesn't look like you just had a baby. And let me tell you that you have two precios kids. We will be in LA and I hope that my kids can meet your kids. Like Noelle says, the baby has progressed very fast. And we will keep praying for Braden. That pretty soon, he can be able to digest his food.


    Adriana Conder

  4. Oh he is just yummy Shannon! I would hold him and smooch him all day if I were you! I am SO happy that you and Brian get to love on him and all the great progress he is making. PRAISE OUR AMAZING GOD!!! I pray that he starts digesting and getting the suck/swallow thing down soon so he can come home to his sweet sister and mom and dad! Thanks for all the updates! Btw, you look absolutely gorgeous (as usual)!!!

  5. Shan,
    I love the pictures, please keep them coming. I am glad to hear that Braden is doing so well, I pray for him daily and for his continued progress. It looks like Sadie is "ruling the roost" for a bit longer until baby brother comes home. Love ya'll and miss you alot.
    Dad and Papa

  6. Hey Shannon, Brandon and I are praying for your little family! So thankful that the tubes are almost all out! You look great and Brian looks so happy!

  7. Shannon, he is so sweet. I love the 1st pic of all 3 of you together. I know Sadie has to be anxious to see her baby brother. I will continue to pray for him and I am so happy for the awesome progress he has made. Praise God!

  8. So glad to hear things are going much better! I've been thinking about you guys! What an adorable family!!
