Saturday, August 7, 2010

Braden's New Favorite Passtime!

We are still waiting for Braden to learn to crawl around here. This boy is pretty content to stay where he's put as long as the toys are switched out every once in a while. I have found that he's getting kind of bored with the same 'ol toys, so the other day I sat him in front of Sadie's kitchen and he LOVED it - new place, new toys. Enjoy the pics of Braden enjoying Sadie's kitchen.

And there they go...

...all dumped out on the floor...


And now that the food is successfully dumped on the floor, time to bang on the shelves!


  1. How cute! You have a little chef on your hands. I like his gourmet kitchen :) Fancy stainless appliances.

  2. A true chef in the making. As soon as he can find the pan he is looking for. LOL. He is getting sooo big. Looking forward to seeing more pics of him. Love ya'll. Dad and Papa.

  3. He is so stinkin' cute!! I love his little farmer tan line on his arm! Next thing you know it will be a body suit tan line from surfing!! Love you guys!

  4. I would love that kitchen too! It's awesome. Love how he's already making a mess of his sister's stuff. Hope she doesn't mind.

  5. I wonder if he saw Jay Jay do that everyday and decided it was cool?! lol.
