Monday, August 16, 2010

Pizza Night at the Moore's!!

Thursday night was homemade pizza night at our house! I told Brian that we were having homemade pizza for dinner and Sadie was in the room, so I turned to her and said, "do you want to help Mommy make the pizza?" You should have seen the look on her face and how fast she jumped up to help me!! It was so much fun. Enjoy the fun pics!

Spreading the sauce.

Mmmm - cheese!

Now for the pepperoni!!

Gotta snack a little while you put all that yummy stuff on. Sadie couldn't resist the cheese.

My Pizza!!!

Ready for the oven!

On a completely unrelated note, Sadie has this green shirt and when I bought it for her earlier this summer, she said, "Daddy has that shirt!!" Now every time I dress her in it she says the same thing. So, finally the other day Brian and Sadie were wearing their "matching shirts", so I HAD to get a picture of them!!


  1. The pizza looks delicious. And of course, You HAVE to sample it to make sure it tastes right before you serve it. Sadie just might start her own pizza business later. Maybe she will hire little Like the green shirts! Love ya'll. Dad and papa

  2. I love the photo of Sadie showing off her pizza. And, the matching shirts are adorable. Also, I think you look like Jennifer Garner; has anyone ever told you that before? Because, you do.
