Monday, August 2, 2010

Sadie the Flower Girl!

Brian's youngest brother, John, got married a few weekends ago and we were blessed to be able to be a part. I titled this "Sadie the Flower Girl", but the first picture is of us. The rest mostly of Sadie. She did a GREAT job as a flower girl, but not a great job as a model for pictures. It was really hard to be in the wedding and have Brian in the wedding and try to take care of Braden (which Brian did most of the day) and try and get a girl who doesn't like to take pictures to smile really pretty and "pose" for pictures. Anyway, it was a GORGEOUS wedding and we had a great time with the family. I don't have a whole lot of pictures and definitely decided that I am not and do not and don't have the equipment to be a wedding photographer.

Brian helping Sadie practice...

We used torn up pieces of paper towel to practice. The next day she said "We're not using tissue today. We're using flowers."

Sadie's pre-wedding warm up.

Getting her tiara secured. She ended up not wearing it because it gave her a headache.

As I said, Sadie wasn't in to taking pictures, so here is the back of her hair and her beautiful dress.

The best picture of the day...grrr.

More practice.

Isn't the dress gorgeous?

Look at Sadie's little buddy the ring bearer. He is A-Dorable!

Here Kyron is trying to talk Sadie into taking a decent picture.

At least she smiled for a couple.

Amy (Randy's wife) and I.

Once we were at the reception and Sadie was "free" and loving it!!

Love this picture of Sadie spinning!!! I just know she's thinking, "mom can't tell me to sit still any longer. I don't have to worry about my hair or what my dress looks like!!! Yay, I'm free!!!!"


  1. Absolutely GORGEOUS! The dress, hair, all that were involved with the wedding. Congrats to the newlyweds. Everything looked beautiful. All the pictures were GREAT! Love, dad and papa

  2. Aww love the pictures! Miss you guys!
