Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Babies!

Our sweet little guy is doing better at keeping himself up on his arms when he is on his belly. He's also getting stronger and wants to sit up really badly, but we are still missing the "milestone" things like sitting up and rolling over. The doctors keep saying to adjust his age for milestones from his due date, so I guess I shouldn't be expecting sitting up and rolling over for a 4 month old. It's hard to believe that Braden is 5 1/2 months old!!!

Our Braden loves to be talked to and to have attention. Just say his name these days and he'll look at you and be "yours".

I thought about editing the drool out of this picture, but it defines who he is at this stage, so I left it there. baby boy is growing SO fast!

I noticed after going through all of these pictures that Braden has my ears. Poor guy. At least I can cover mine with my hair. Unfortunately, he will have to figure out how to deal with them a different way.

Sadie being silly! This comes very easy for her. She must get it from her daddy. :)

My sweet little Elmo-girl!

Mersadie is ALWAYS up to something. And that's actually not a bad thing. Sometimes she will be playing in her room for a while and will come out in the funniest get-ups. I had been here and there cleaning the house the other day and this is how I found her. Mis-matched p.j.'s, funny pink hat and polka-dot rain boots! I love EVERYTHING about my imaginative little lady. She's the best daughter anyone could ever ask for and like I've mentioned before, makes me laugh out loud on a daily basis!


  1. Both of them are so precious! How I miss them. Pleas give them a hug and kiss for me.

  2. Love ALL the pics. Unfortunately honey, you have you have ears like you dear old dad.(sorrrry} Personally I don't think his ears look that big. That's what I have been telling myself for years. (LOL) Althoug if Dumbo ever needs a replacement, well, here I am. Enough about that. Give everyone hugs and kisses for me. Love dad and papa

  3. Our babies are the cutest in the world!! I LOVE Sadie's outfit. She is so funny! Love and miss you guys!

    Auntie Reece
