Monday, April 5, 2010

Yeah! Duke Blue Devils Take the National Championship Title!!!

Well, our family team, the Duke Blue Devils just took the NCAA Basketball Championship for 2010!! We are very excited - finally our brackets held strong to the end! Here are a few pics of Braden who was rooting for the Blue Devils. Mersadie, on the other hand, said she wanted the "black" team to win. Duke was in white tonight. I think we have a competitor on our hands...

"Yeah, Go Duke!"

At first, we weren't sure if Duke would be able to pull it out... was even a nail-biter of a game at times...

...and we didn't even want to look at other times...

...but we were VERY happy with how it all turned out! Congratulations Blue Devils - what a great game!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your team winning. Captions to the pics couldn't have been any cuter. Although, I'm on Sadie's team. I wanted Butler to win. Duke has won before. Oh well, it's only a game. Braden looks very happy. Love and miss ya'll. Dad and Papa
