Monday, April 26, 2010


Ridiculous is the only word that came to mind when Brian and I pulled all of Mersadie's old clothes down so I could put them in a garage sale. These are the clothes from Newborn - 18 Months. Can we say excessive? The sad part is I don't think that we purchased more than 6 outfits for this girl in that time. All of the clothes were given to us by grandparents, aunts and uncles or friends. There were 6 large buckets, 1 small bucket, 2 large space bags and 1 medium space bag and they were all stuffed so much most of the lids wouldn't stay on. I started feeling really guilty about having so much for her. The only thing I could justify all of this with is the fact that she was the first grandchild on both sides. I should have just had everyone put money in her college fund. Way better investment. Now I'll just have to sell them and put that money in her college fund!


  1. Hey, a girl needs a lot of clothes! I don't think it's ridiculous at all. Sadie's hair is getting so long! She looks so cute.

  2. I agree - the girl needs lot of clothes! It is so much fun to look and buy - but I promise I will not do so much in the future. I will use the money to buy airline tickets to visit!
    Love you!

  3. That is seriously how our storage space looks in our basement. TONS of tubs of Bennett's clothes! I figure if we have another boy someday, we won't have to buy much :)
